Friday, January 8, 2010

1/8/10 The New Journey

So, after feeling like crap for the better part of the last year, I have decided to take a proactive role in my health by making a true attempt at losing weight.

Usually, if I were writing one of these things, it would be about art, movies, music, or last night at the bar, but this time, we're going to start this new experience of blogging with something a little more personal... a little more palpable...

The fact is that I miss the physical me that was around from 1998 - 2003... I've always been a big guy, but then, I felt better and looked better. Hell, I even played indoor soccer from 1999 - 2001. If I tried that today, I would need heart medication and a defibrillator.

I could name all the usual excuses: got older, got lazier, stopped walking as much, stopped playing soccer and street hockey, got depressed, got on anti-depressents, drank too much all the time. I could name 500 different excuses, and even attempt to pass them off as reasons, but, they would still be only excuses.

Another fact: I really like to eat. I enjoy different flavors and I'm a pretty damned good cook. I also enjoy eating out. Which wouldn't be so bad, but I end up eating out 4 - 5 times a week, and I don't always have time for a sit down meal. As we all do, I end up at wendy's, ordering from the .99 cent menu, or ordering chinese food at 8:30pm at night.

It's mildly distressing to me that I have reduced myself to that. There has to be a better way.

So, I got into a conversation at work yesterday about this guy who lost 127lbs simply by removing 1000 per day from his diet. He wrote a blog about it. I have not read it. I have no idea where to find it, and I really haven't had the motivation to look.

I started thinking about it, though. I said to myself, "Self, I've done this before. I reduced myself to 2000 calories per day at one point and dropped the Freshman 85 lbs I gained at my first year at Gettysburg College." I can do this. I can reduce my diet by 1000 calories. That's easy.

So, today I have started clocking my normal diet, and I'm going to do so for the next 7 days. After that, I will see where I can reduce things. Then I get to stick to it. In this space, I'm going to keep a public diary of my exploits, which will include a total of calories for the day. I guess this is one more reason to be attached to my blackberry, because that's where the stats are coming from. Thank god for free 'berry apps.

I have no idea whether anyone will actually read this or not, but, so be it. I need to do this for me.

Starting weight: 339 lbs
Caloric intake for Thursday 1/7/10: Approximately 2800 calories (125g fat, 361g carbs)

1 comment:

  1. By the way... just a post script. This is not some lame attempt at a New Years resolution. I don't make them. They're all a setup for failure.

    This is simply because I'm tired all the time and need to get healthier.

    Also because I would love nothing more than to play soccer again. That would be impossible right now.
