Thursday, January 21, 2010

1/21/10 - Nervous Eating


OK, so I lost track.

Admittedly, I'm about to use a couple stupid excuses for not keeping track of my caloric intake with any kind of accuracy. But, the last few days, unless I'm missing something drastic, for 4 out of 5 days I was hovering around 2200 calories.

Unfortunately for Wednesday, Thursday, and Tuesday, this was not the case.

One behavior I know I have an issue with is nervous eating. Whenever something bad happens, or when I'm under pressure at work or school, my food intake goes up exponentially. I'll snack a lot. I'll eat single slices of cheese. I'll drink huge amounts of soda. Basically I will do everything you shouldn't do when you're trying to lose weight.

I've heard of support groups and things like that for nervous eating, and as I am a recovering addict, I probably should attack this behavior like I would an addiction. It's not like I'm enjoying food when I eat like that. I'm sure Freud would have a field day with the oral fixation part of it.

Maybe I should go get a self help book. I know they're out there I just haven't really looked into working on this particular ailment.

Caloric intake for 1/20/10: 2216 calories

1 comment:

  1. This site might help you a bit.
